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Meet Adam!
"Adam is terrific! I'm really enjoying getting to know him, and he's been such an amazing addition to our team. He's developing a teen program and learning more about using his artistic skills for marketing. He's really talented, thoughtful, and demonstrates his enthusiasm and willingness to learn during this internship".
Adam* is a high school-aged boy, whose family came to the shelter in 2019 and entered Bridges Rapid Rehousing Program in 2020. Both of his parents are products of intergenerational poverty. He was homeschooled by his parents and graduated at just 16 years old. Excited for the next step in his life, he was also very nervous and wasn’t quite sure what to do next. He spent most of his life learning at home and wasn’t quite sure how the “real world works”. So, he asked Bridges for mentorship on real-world experiences and education. Our Youth Manager knew right away that the internship program would greatly benefit Adam. Adam agreed, and after sharing his interests, Bridges paired him with a local arts organization. Adam wanted to go in this direction because he has a knack for creativity and the arts (that he learned from his talented dad). Not only did he enjoy his internship, but he excelled! The arts organization hired Adam after his internship was over. Adam’s fondest moment from his experience is when he planned and executed a two-day sneaker workshop.
The Arlington Arts Center enjoyed working with Adam and shared this: “Adam is terrific! I’m really enjoying getting to know him, and he’s been such an amazing addition to our team. He’s developing a teen program and learning more about using his artistic skills for marketing. He’s really talented, thoughtful, and demonstrates his enthusiasm and willingness to learn during this internship”.
Thanks to this internship, Adam got to see how the “real world works”. As a result, he is on a path of liveable wage instead of hourly/minimum wage, which will build a path of self-sufficiency. The opportunity empowered him with confidence and dignity in experiencing a career field of his choice. Since he is an incredibly talented artist at a young age, this organization can open doors to new opportunities for Adam.
Adam has a better understanding of his passions and the next steps to take in his life. He’s building his bridge to opportunities and on a path to break intergenerational cycles of poverty.